Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Put the Diet Coke down!

Have you seen the hype about the New flavors of Diet Coke? I see the sleek cans and new graphics...but I can still read a label and know that the ingredients are horrible for us!! YIKES!

Diet Coke decided to come out with some fancy cans and flavors so they can cater to millennials.

I think it’s really messed up because they want to continue to POISON people!!


THESE INGREDIENTS CAN KILL US...they could cause cancer, seizures, headaches, depression, ADHD, weight gain, birth defects and WAY MORE.

I know the cans are cute and fancy,
I know that it may taste ok.
Do your health a favor and don’t drink this.

I can assure you...their pocketbook DOES NOT care about your health or well being, but I do. Please read your labels and educate yourself on the dangers of these ingredients. Your long term health is way too important. Share to help educate others.

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