Wednesday, November 29, 2017

We all fart

Farting, we all do it.  

I ate something yesterday that gave me a serious case of gas.  Normally it's no big deal, just let nature do its thing.  However, last night I had a fitness class in my studio.  Yikes.   You know how difficult it can be to hold them in while standing in line at the grocery store.  Imagine now, if you will, people in close proximity to you while you are doing jumping jacks and squats and gas is trying its best to exit your body.  Mind you, if they were just quiet little nothings, it would have been fine.  Nope, these were the silent but deadly...and not always so silent.   

Not a comfortable experience, but it does show that my body was keeping itself healthy and getting rid of the yucky in my gut.   My probiotic and oxygenated magnesium where definitely doing their job.    That being said, I was able to experience a whole lot of relief when my clients left.   (giggle)


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