Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Health tips for men

 Achieving “good health” is a nearly universal wish for all people, but what does it really mean to be healthy? What are true health goals for men?
Health isn’t a one-time goal to achieve. Your health needs are constantly evolving and changing—especially as you age.
While a healthy diet, exercise, and a good gut microbiome are important for every age group, there are also specific things to keep in mind in each phase of life.

We’ve got some health tips for men at every age:
Teenagers’ Health
Your teenage years are nothing if not tumultuous. And, they’re the perfect time to teach important health habits to teens.
*Drink lots of water: The average human body is approximately 75 percent water. To help maintain optimal health, aim to drink eight, eight-ounce glasses of water every day.
*Exercise: Exercise is important for men of all ages as exercise increases both emotional and physical health. Exercise also provides a wholesome and healthy outlet for pent-up energy.
*Gut health: Approximately 14 percent of high school teens suffer from stomach issues, which can mean extra doctor visits and missed classes. Because 70 percent of the cells needed for a healthy immune system originate in your gut, supporting gut health is essential for bolstering the immune system.
*Bone health: Teenage boys need to pay special attention to their calcium intake as growth spurts can cause painful growing pains. Through vitamin supplements and a balanced diet, aim for 1200-1500 mg of calcium.4

Health in your 20’s
The habits of your 20’s play a big role in the health during your later years.
Studies show that healthy habits (eating right and exercising) play a huge role in the presence (or lack of) health concerns later on. Passing on smoking and excessive drinking now will improve your heart health in middle age.
*Keep drinking water: Other liquids—no matter how delish don’t count toward your water goal. Be sure to hydrate.
*Exercise: The speedy metabolism of your teen years starts to slow a bit during your 20’s. Combat any weight gain by exercising regularly.
*Mental health: Support mental health by maintaining a good exercise routine, seeking a fulfilling job, and making time for friends and family. Your gut affects your brain in a BIG way. Changing how you think about things, people, or situations can mean the difference between a healthy microbiome and an unbalanced gut.*
*Gut health: Ninety percent of your neurotransmitters including GABA, Dopamine, and serotonin are produced in your gut. Consuming pre- and probiotics daily increases gut health which helps to improve your mood.

Health in your 30’s and 40’s
Your 30’s and 40’s are where you start to see the effects (good or bad) of your youthful habits.
* Drink water: Your skin holds less moisture as you age. You’re going to need to increase your hydration levels—and keep increasing throughout your lifetime.
*Exercise: Thanks to office jobs and sports like basketball and running, many men in their 30’s notice a decrease in flexibility. The solution? Add in some light stretching or yoga to your exercise routine.
*Heart health: Beginning in your early 30’s, your heart loses some of its stamina. Interval training is a good choice to strengthen the heart.
*Sleep: Just because you could sleep like a baby even into your teenage years doesn’t mean you won’t encounter sleep problems in your 30’s and 40’s. In fact, changes begin to take place in your brain that affect the quality and quantity of your sleep, and these changes can happen as early as your 30’s. It’s important to keep good sleep habits and get enough vitamin D each day.

Health when you are 50+
As you approach your 50’s and 60’s, more health issues tend to creep up. It becomes important to keep the following issues in mind:
*Water intake: The percentage of water in the body is continuing to decline. Decreased water levels can contribute to heatstroke so stay vigilant with water consumption.
*Joint health: There’s truth behind the joke about Grandpa’s aching joints predict the rain. As men hit their 50’s joint health becomes a hot topic due to overused joints. Exercise, particularly cycling, can help improve joint health.
*Bone health: By age 50, bone minerals are lost more frequently then are replaced, which can spell out broken bones. Improve bone health by strengthening them: don’t be afraid to hit the pavement. Weight-bearing activities like running or lifting weights actually strengthens bones.
*Gut health: Men aged 60 and up typically have 1000-fold less healthy bacteria than younger men. Maintain healthy gut levels with daily probiotics. The effects of a healthy gut will affect countless other body systems.*
*Back health: A sedentary lifestyle can begin to take its toll on your back. Lack of activity causes the spine to tighten which then causes pain. Movement will help loosen your back and relieve pain. Consider taking a Pilates class at your local gym.
Regardless of your age, proactive steps for caring for your health can make a huge difference.

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