Friday, November 3, 2017

Post of Shame

The 'See How You Eat' app is my favorite go-to tool to help me keep track of what I am eating throughout the day.  It is incredibly simple, take a picture of your plate, that is it.  Even those who are tech-challenged like myself can do this.

In my Health Builders Facebook group we are being accountable with our eating, water intake and exercise this month.  Just two days in and you can see I already had to do the post of shame.   I was doing so good....until supper.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with cinnamon, flax, chia seeds and blueberries
Snack: Almonds
Lunch: Spaghetti with homemade sauce, brussels sprouts, orange
Snack: Strawberries

And then there is the supper.  *sigh*  It was almost 9:00, my last food intake was almost 7 hour earlier, it was going to be 45 minutes before I would be home.  McDonald's it was.  In my defense, I ate one cheese burger and only half the fries...I love McDonald fries. 

It happens.  Life happens.  We can have the best of intentions but it doesn't always work out.   Today is a new day and another opportunity to eat well, drink all my water and get some exercise in. 

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