Thursday, November 2, 2017

Happy Place

This beautiful lake is at Ingersoll Scout Reservation in the heart of small town Illinois.   It sits on roughly 1000 acres of timber and is one of my most favorite places to be.  I am blessed to be part of a group of volunteers who work tirelessly on its upkeep which then gives me access to camping and hiking when the work is over.  I try to spend the weekend here four or five times a year as well as a full week tent camping with my Boy Scout Troop.

When I am on my weekend retreats, I soak in the beauty and calmness and let it penetrate every bit of my mind.  Hours are spent hiking and exploring.  After more than a decade of coming here, I am still discovering new to me places.  One of my regular stops on my hiking is at Beaver Bend.  It's where the creek makes a big turn and there is a beautiful overlook to just sit and get lost in the sounds and my own thoughts and spend time with my Lord.  Many tears have been shed sitting on a stump here, and many problems have been solved.  Pain and stress is released while peace floods my soul.

While in my happy spot, I am free from outside distractions.  I have no cell service, no internet, no TV.  Except for an emergency landline, I am unplugged from the outside world and any problems that may be there.    Total release from all that may be negative.

We all need a happy spot, a spot to release what is bringing us down and fill us with peace.  It doesn't have to be a lake or timber.  Maybe it's a certain bench at the park, a bike path, a long walk with a fancy coffee on a quiet street, an early morning cup of hot tea while watching the sun rise.  

Emotional health is an important component to overall health.  As we work on our eating and exercising, we need to also spend time with our emotions and work through what is in there.  Pent up emotions lead to stress which lead to a break down in  physical health. 

Do you have a happy spot?

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