Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Challenging Cardio Workout

Here is a real challenge for you! I don't expect most of you will be able to do this right away, but what a goal to set for yourself.

Start at the 15 point and do all below it. Do this 3 times a week. The following week move up to the next number and do all below it 3 times a week. Continue progressing each week until you are able to start at the top and work all the way down.

Once you accomplish your goal, make sure to reward yourself!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Take The Break

I talk often about taking care of our health by eating right, exercising, water, and supplementing what our bodies are needing. This is ALL important stuff.

In addition, it is equally important to take care of our mental/emotional health. We put way too much on our plate, we take on the problems of others, stress at work, a new parent, caregiver, bread winner...all the things that need to be done.

Make some intentional time for yourself to just let all the things sit for a bit. It might be a day away. It might be a day staying in with no contact with the outside world. It might be getting up a little early to begin your day with a relaxing soak in the tub or quiet yoga. Whatever it is you can do, find a way to do it. You need to be proactive in giving yourself a break.

Take the walk, do the stretching, read the book, go for the drive, do the thing you need to do to take a break from all the other things.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Hemp Oil Extract

One more tool I am going to have to share with you all for your getting healthy tool belt will be Hemp Oil Extract and Isolates.

I see you looking at me with a strange look on your face, wondering just what am I talking about. I get it, I kind of had that same look when I first heard about this. But I've been doing my own research, wanting to learn as much as I can.

What my partner company and I have to share soon is not the CBD oil you can walk into the gas station or video store and buy off the shelf. This isn't the cheap stuff that doesn't come with any scientific back up. 

I'm going to be sharing more on this over the next few month, because I want you to get familiar with the idea and to become more comfortable and educated yourself.
Let me stress to you, this is NOT the stuff that gets you high!

Take a moment to look through this link to help you begin your understanding of Hemp Oil Extract and Isolates.


Monday, June 10, 2019

Fresh Start

2019 has been a roller coaster of emotions for my family which has been the excuse I have used all year for not being consistent with my eating or moving. For those who don't personally know me, I am tall and skinny and fight for every pound I have. Just one week of not eating well and I dropped six pounds. This will take me quite awhile to gain back. All because I wasn't taking care of myself.

Guess what? Today is a new day and with each new day we have the opportunity to make amends for what happened yesterday, learn from any mistakes we have made and proceed forward with confidence that we will do all we can to do better. 

This week I am working back on my eating schedule, walking one mile and doing yoga daily to get my body loosened up. I am NOT going to jump in with both feet and hurt myself. I am a believer in slow and steady....with bursts of high intensity at the right times. I am in a slow and steady time and encourage any of you who have not made the best choices yesterday and before, to join me in taking steps to better health one day at a time.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

BANG is not for your health

I’ll probably step on some toes with this one but I’m putting out here because I love you.

No matter what the company tries to tell you THESE are NOT healthy you guys!
First of all there are several lawsuits against Bang for lying about what and how much is in their drinks ...

What they do have is Sucralose (an artificial sweetener known to wreck havoc on your body)
Here are a few things you may not know sucralose could be doing to your body....

Upsetting your natural gut bacteria balance:
🔹Causing insulin resistance that can lead to diabetes.
🔹Makes you hungrier and crave more sugar and carbs.
🔹Increased Fat Storage
🔹Causing headaches
🔹Preventing medication and vitamin absorption

But the FDA Approves it so it must be ok right?

Remember the FDA doesn't approve Baby Formula, multi vitamins, omegas or protein powders (they are monitored tho). They allow like waaaay too much to get through like the drug fen phen that hurt so many people or the gardasil vaxx that’s unimaginably awful (do your research friends).

So they aren’t my go to for health. I am Researching. Choosing to better serve my body daily and it sure as heck isn’t with these sugar filled monsters. We already have enough stacked against us these days, as a Fitness & health lover I’m saying please think twice before consuming these. Your body is worth more.
#insideouthealthstudio #prioritizeyourself #putthecrappystuffdownandwalkaway

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Life Called

Sometimes we are going about life, minding our own business and just rolling with the flow. Then out of nowhere, Life tells us that it is time to up our game and more is going to be expected from us. Doesn't matter if we are ready or if we were even expecting it. Life said it... so we must listen.
Four years ago Life informed me it was my time to up it. I told Life I was perfectly content with where I was. I had a successful long time daycare and loved doing my volunteer work. I didn't need to add anything. 

Life told me I was wrong. It told me there are things I need to be doing because they were going to impact the lives of others. I had no idea back then what Life was talking about, but four years later, I am seeing the fruits of my labors.

Four years ago today I partnered with Plexus. At first it was only to help my own self become more healthy. The more I researched, the more I realized this was the opportunity Life gave me to make my impact. Through my research, I knew I needed to be doing more so I became a health coach. I then began studying exercise and helping the body to heal itself naturally.

Over the past four years, Life has allowed me to literally help hundreds of people begin their journey to a healthier self. What I am doing now is nothing grand, but who knows....what I am doing now may one day turn out to be a blessing to someone else who will be receiving that call from Life that it is their turn to up their game.

I know I am not done with this journey I began four years ago, I've only scratched the surface and I can not wait to see where Life takes me next!

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Is Celery Juice just a fad?

What a dietitian wants you to know about the celery juice trend

Just another health fad - or the elixir of life?

"A quick Google search will tell you that celery juice detoxifies your body, is good for your bones and can apparently even ‘change your life’. And with every second person jumping on the bandwagon, you might be wondering if you should, too.

So which is it - a silly superfood or a miracle cure? Here’s the answer…Celery has got a lot going for it.

For just 100 grams, you’ve got yourself a small dose of Vitamin A for healthy eyes, Vitamin C to support your immune system, Vitamin K which plays an important role in blood clotting and folate which is key for mums-to-be. Plus, you’ll get a small boost of fiber. And all of that costs you just 15 calories and virtually no fat.

“Heal”, “restore” and “detox” are just some of the buzz words associated with the celery juice fad. But let me tell you – there’s no one single food that will cure all of your health woes, so don’t be fooled by these emotive words.

What’s more, when you juice celery (or any other fruit or veg for that matter), you’re removing much of the fiber content. That’s not a good thing, as fiber is key for a healthy digestive system and can also help to keep you feeling full.

Generally speaking, there’s limited scientific evidence to show that celery juice is responsible for the raft of fanciful claims you’ve seen all over your news feed. But, for some, it might be helpful in easing water retention.

It should also be pointed out the trend was not founded by a medical doctor, or a healthcare professional of any kind.

So, my verdict? Celery juice is simply not the magical elixir that it's made out to be – and if you’re forgoing medical intervention because celery juice ‘heals all’, that’s a real worry. But, if it’s worked for you and you enjoy it, celery juice probably isn’t going to hurt you. Plus, it’s a good alternative to sugary soft drink and cordial.

At the end of the day, eating celery as part of a varied, balanced diet is a great thing to do. But I don’t think you need to guzzle down liters upon liters of its juice. What’s far more important is that you’ve got healthy eating basics down pat – because one healthy food in an otherwise unhealthy diet isn’t going to win you any points."

**Melissa Meier is a Sydney-based Accredited Practicing Dietitian.**