Monday, June 10, 2019

Fresh Start

2019 has been a roller coaster of emotions for my family which has been the excuse I have used all year for not being consistent with my eating or moving. For those who don't personally know me, I am tall and skinny and fight for every pound I have. Just one week of not eating well and I dropped six pounds. This will take me quite awhile to gain back. All because I wasn't taking care of myself.

Guess what? Today is a new day and with each new day we have the opportunity to make amends for what happened yesterday, learn from any mistakes we have made and proceed forward with confidence that we will do all we can to do better. 

This week I am working back on my eating schedule, walking one mile and doing yoga daily to get my body loosened up. I am NOT going to jump in with both feet and hurt myself. I am a believer in slow and steady....with bursts of high intensity at the right times. I am in a slow and steady time and encourage any of you who have not made the best choices yesterday and before, to join me in taking steps to better health one day at a time.

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