Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Life Called

Sometimes we are going about life, minding our own business and just rolling with the flow. Then out of nowhere, Life tells us that it is time to up our game and more is going to be expected from us. Doesn't matter if we are ready or if we were even expecting it. Life said it... so we must listen.
Four years ago Life informed me it was my time to up it. I told Life I was perfectly content with where I was. I had a successful long time daycare and loved doing my volunteer work. I didn't need to add anything. 

Life told me I was wrong. It told me there are things I need to be doing because they were going to impact the lives of others. I had no idea back then what Life was talking about, but four years later, I am seeing the fruits of my labors.

Four years ago today I partnered with Plexus. At first it was only to help my own self become more healthy. The more I researched, the more I realized this was the opportunity Life gave me to make my impact. Through my research, I knew I needed to be doing more so I became a health coach. I then began studying exercise and helping the body to heal itself naturally.

Over the past four years, Life has allowed me to literally help hundreds of people begin their journey to a healthier self. What I am doing now is nothing grand, but who knows....what I am doing now may one day turn out to be a blessing to someone else who will be receiving that call from Life that it is their turn to up their game.

I know I am not done with this journey I began four years ago, I've only scratched the surface and I can not wait to see where Life takes me next!

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