Sunday, May 5, 2019

BANG is not for your health

I’ll probably step on some toes with this one but I’m putting out here because I love you.

No matter what the company tries to tell you THESE are NOT healthy you guys!
First of all there are several lawsuits against Bang for lying about what and how much is in their drinks ...

What they do have is Sucralose (an artificial sweetener known to wreck havoc on your body)
Here are a few things you may not know sucralose could be doing to your body....

Upsetting your natural gut bacteria balance:
🔹Causing insulin resistance that can lead to diabetes.
🔹Makes you hungrier and crave more sugar and carbs.
🔹Increased Fat Storage
🔹Causing headaches
🔹Preventing medication and vitamin absorption

But the FDA Approves it so it must be ok right?

Remember the FDA doesn't approve Baby Formula, multi vitamins, omegas or protein powders (they are monitored tho). They allow like waaaay too much to get through like the drug fen phen that hurt so many people or the gardasil vaxx that’s unimaginably awful (do your research friends).

So they aren’t my go to for health. I am Researching. Choosing to better serve my body daily and it sure as heck isn’t with these sugar filled monsters. We already have enough stacked against us these days, as a Fitness & health lover I’m saying please think twice before consuming these. Your body is worth more.
#insideouthealthstudio #prioritizeyourself #putthecrappystuffdownandwalkaway

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