Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Change Have To to Get To

My mentor, Coach Jennie, is all about changing our mindset from HAVING to do something to GETTING to do it.  Yep, SHE is all about it.  Me, on the other hand, still have a whole lot of things on my HAVE TO list.  I'm sure you have this list as well, things that need to be done and you are going to do them because they have to be done, but you don't really want to do them.  MmmHmmm, you know you have that list too.

*Eat better
*Conquer Mt. Laundry
*Balance the checkbook
*Go to you aunts dogs birthday party
*Clean out the closet
*Drink enough water daily
*Give the cat a bath

We do these things because we know we have to.  But what if we change that to we GET to?  Check out what Coach Jennie has to say on this.

Instead of I HAVE to get up 45 minutes early to exercise, change it to I GET to get up, get my heart pumping, get oxygen going through my bloodstream, release the happy hormone and get energized.

Instead of I HAVE to drink my water, I GET to drink 1/2 my weight in ounces of water every single day because I know I am helping my digestion, my energy, flushing out toxins, my skin will be less dry, my joints will ache less and my wrinkles will be more plumped out.

Instead of I HAVE to eat better, I GET to eat some grapes instead of a bag of chips because...well, because nothing good ever comes from eating a bag of chips.

What can you move from you HAVE TO list over to your GET TO list?  

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