Sunday, August 26, 2018

Fair Foodless

It is fair time in our neck of the woods.  State fairs, county fairs,  Sweet Corn festival, small town celebration name it and it is happening.  And with all these fairs comes one of the greatest creations on earth, fair food!   Oh my goodness I LOVE my fair food!  

Right now the Bureau County Fair is going on and this is my FAVORITE time to eat!   For years I actually had Fair Food Followers who would watch my FaceBook posts to see what I ate each night.  Yep, I was THAT dedicated to my fair food.  Over the last few years the food intake, by my normal standards, was pretty pathetic.  This year is even worse, I have not had one single fair food item!  What is up with that??

I'll tell you what's up, it's this dang being healthy stuff, that's what!  In the past, we would go over to the fair 3-4 nights and I would walk around and eat.  Oh sure, we would look at stuff and visit with people, but make no mistake, I was there to eat.   This year we didn't even go.  Nope, I wasn't feeling the need to eat so I didn't even go over. 

Dang being healthy stuff.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Change Have To to Get To

My mentor, Coach Jennie, is all about changing our mindset from HAVING to do something to GETTING to do it.  Yep, SHE is all about it.  Me, on the other hand, still have a whole lot of things on my HAVE TO list.  I'm sure you have this list as well, things that need to be done and you are going to do them because they have to be done, but you don't really want to do them.  MmmHmmm, you know you have that list too.

*Eat better
*Conquer Mt. Laundry
*Balance the checkbook
*Go to you aunts dogs birthday party
*Clean out the closet
*Drink enough water daily
*Give the cat a bath

We do these things because we know we have to.  But what if we change that to we GET to?  Check out what Coach Jennie has to say on this.

Instead of I HAVE to get up 45 minutes early to exercise, change it to I GET to get up, get my heart pumping, get oxygen going through my bloodstream, release the happy hormone and get energized.

Instead of I HAVE to drink my water, I GET to drink 1/2 my weight in ounces of water every single day because I know I am helping my digestion, my energy, flushing out toxins, my skin will be less dry, my joints will ache less and my wrinkles will be more plumped out.

Instead of I HAVE to eat better, I GET to eat some grapes instead of a bag of chips because...well, because nothing good ever comes from eating a bag of chips.

What can you move from you HAVE TO list over to your GET TO list?  

Monday, August 20, 2018

Make The Bottom Step Yours

We've all heard that every journey begins with a single step, and this is true.  However, that first single step can be hard, scary, lonely.  Not everyone wants to go on your journey with you.  Heck, not everyone wants YOU to go on your journey.   How you are is comfortable to them, they don't want you to change, they may not accept the changes. They want to hold you back. 

You have to do you.  What do you want, what dreams do you have, what goals?  Give some serious thought to these questions and write down ideas.  You aren't going to figure this out in two minutes, let it be an ongoing list that is ever growing and you continue to grow and change.

Who you are today and what you want is not the same as it was ten years ago, and it won't be the same ten years from now either.   You are a living, breathing, ever evolving wonderful child of God.  He did not make you from a mold.  You are your own unique person...with a mind of your own.

Take a look at that list you are writing.  What do you need to do to get started on making any one of the items on it come to fruition?  Not the whole plan, just the first thing necessary to get it going.  That is the very first step...often times the hardest step.  Don't look at the whole staircase that needs to be climbed to reach what you want at the top.  Look at the first most precious step.  The step that means change, improvement, a better you.  

Stand tall, know what you want and step up. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Do You Rebound?

Do YOU rebound? This fun and super effective exercise has SO MANY benefits! It is one of my favorite ways to stimulate lymph flow.

But there are SO MANY MORE benefits as well!
Let's go over a few:
💫Just 10 minutes a day is equivalent to 20-30 minutes of jogging
💫EASY on the joints
💫Increases bone density
💫Strengthens pelvic floor
💫Enhances immune function
💫Improves stability and balance
💫Increases respiratory capacity
💫Promotes growth and tissue repair
💫Tones the endocrine system, especially the thyroid, to increase output
💫Circulates more oxygen to tissues
💫Greatly enhances muscular and valvular fluid exchange, lightening the heart’s workload
💫Aids venous blood flow as well as lymph flow (enhancing waste-cleansing)
💫Strengthens heart muscle and other muscles, causing them to work with greater efficiency
💫Stimulates metabolic activity
💫Enhances digestion and elimination
💫If's FUN!!!

Here is a nice beginner rebounding video

There are very few things as SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE for your overall health as rebounding!