Monday, July 23, 2018

Pink Weekends for myself

Once a month I have scheduled out an entire weekend just to myself. These weekends are highlighted in pink marker on my calendar and called my Pink Weekends. During this time I accept no demands from anyone on my time (with the exception of ambulance calls). I choose what I want to do, when I want to do it...or if I even want to do anything at all! My Pink Weekends are for ME.

This was a Pink Weekend. I slept in on Saturday. Enjoyed a lazy morning in my pj's and then went for lunch with a book. Most of the afternoon I laid on the couch watching Christmas in July on Hallmark. After church Sunday I went for lunch with my parents and had plans for supper with a dear friend. In between there was more couch laying and Christmas in July watching. 

The problem with laying on the couch with the air conditioner on and under a blanket for hours at a time watching Christmas movies is that when you get up and go outside, you realize it is July and not really Christmas! Not gonna lie, I felt a bit let down.

It is now Monday and my Pink Weekend is over. It's back to work and the daily demands of life, but it's ok, I'm relaxed and ready to take it on. I know everyone can't take a whole weekend to themselves. I've got them scheduled out through the rest of the year and constantly have time demands trying to sneak in on them. It is important though to find SOME time for yourself on a regular basis. A time you can look forward to when things are rough. A time to let your body and mind relax and recharge. Maybe your time will be an hour walk by yourself after supper every Tuesday and Thursday. Or a soaking bath every Sunday night, or Friday night after work until Saturday morning with no demands on you.

Whatever your Pink Time looks like is up to you, the important thing is to make sure you find the time just for YOU.

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