Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Keto Plus Plexus

Anyone out there doing the Keto diet?

Here’s why supplementation is so important...
On a Ketogenic diet, you are basically cutting out all carbohydrates and sugar. Once your body is in a state of ketosis, it is then relying on fat for energy. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, not exactly! If your body is used to high carb intake and you take those away, it’s possible you might experience what is known as the keto flu.   It subsides, but your body feels achy, and you are fatigued and irritable.

 So, here’s how Plexus can help:
Plexus Slim: has  chromium which helps normalize blood glucose levels, reducing cravings and providing energy and less irritably as your body enters ketosis. The prebiotic, XOS, feed the butirate that we NATURALLY have in our system to help produce more fatty-chain amino acids. What does this mean for you? Your body goes into fat-burning mode more easily! AND has only 2 carbs, so it has negative net carb impact on your Keto day! 

Plexus BioCleanse: contains magnesium which will help replenish your electrolyte levels, preventing muscle cramps, headaches, and trouble sleeping. 

Plexus ProBio5: balances your gut health. Starting a diet like this can stress your gut leading to either constipation or even upset stomach as you are introducing higher levels of fats to your body.
VitalBiome: reduces bloating and gut distress, improves digestion and regularity, makes you feel calmer, and improves mood. 

XFactor Plus: it’s sugar free, which is important on a keto diet! It contains Aloe, which increases  absorption up to 300%, allowing your body to really absorb the vitamins and minerals. It also has vitamins B and C to help beat tiredness.

Plexus is a TOOL to aid you with overall health! I’ve said it OVER & OVER...Plexus is NOT JUST about weight loss! It’s so much more than that! Get healthy from the inside out with Plexus!
Note: SOME people will look at Slim HC and be concerned over the 8 carbs. However, those doing keto should know to go off of NET carbs (Carbs - Fiber = Net Carbs) That makes Slim HC only 2 net carbs.

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