Tuesday, June 12, 2018

7 Reasons you can not lose weight

You know it's not just about diet and exercise! The top 7 reasons and the Plexus products that can help you!

1) SLEEP - If you are not sleeping you will not lose weight. (Probio5 and MegaX)

2) DIGESTION - constipation, bloating, feeling full all the time, a swollen stomach. ( Probio5 and Biocleanse)

3) ENERGY LEVEL- thyroid and iron anemia (X-Factor and Slim)

4) MENSTRUAL CYCLE - if it is off you will have a hard time losing weight because estrogen makes fat. If there is excess estrogen it interferes with the thyroid and increases fat production. (Slim and Biocleanse)

5) CRAVINGS - one way to know you are burning fat is that you will crave NOTHING. If you crave sweets it means your body only burns sugar and not FAT. (Slim/probio5 and Accelerator+)

6) INFLAMMATION- means the adrenals are not strong enough. It sucks the energy from the body and slows metabolism. (Mega X, EASE and NERVE)

7) STRESS - if the body is stuck in stress mode and it cannot relax the adrenals are overloaded and you have too much body stress. (X Factor, Slim and BioCleanse)

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