Friday, November 30, 2018

My Gross Ninja

 This is my Ninja blender...I LOVE my Ninja blender and use it every single day to make my protein smoothie after I exercise, and often times again in the afternoon for my snack replacement drink.

As soon as I am done using it, the blender part is immediately rinsed off and cleaned.  I would like to think at 53 years of age, I have a working knowledge of how to do dishes.   I might be wrong.

My sister in law posted a video on FaceBook about taking hers apart because of a strange smell.  I didn't have a smell but thought I should probably take it apart and clean it well since I didn't even realize there was a seal down in there. 

Oh My Gosh is this ever Gross!!   I use this EVERY day!   I clean it EVERY day!  This makes me almost want to throw up in my mouth a little bit knowing that I have been drinking my smoothies that were made in it.

 I soaked the seal and blade in the dishwater for awhile and tried to scrub the seal, but it wouldn't come clean.  I boiled them both in soapy water for 15 minutes then let it set and soak another 15 minutes.  I am GOING to get all the gross off!

This is the disgusting water that was left after the boiling.  Look at all that crud that came out of what I drank out of every day!   

Scrubby, scrubby, scrubby.  I attacked the blade first with a baby bottle nipple cleaner and got it all nice and clean down where the ring goes.  It was shining back at me.   The seal however is a completely different matter.  I scrubbed this thing with my cleaning toothbrush as well as a scratchy pad.  This gunk won't budge!

Forget it, it is being thrown out and I got right on Amazon and ordered some new seals.  Even if this thing was sparking clean, I don't know that I could ever use it again.

Lesson learned, the seal will come out and be cleaned every time as well.  It wasn't easy getting it out, but now I know what is being left behind so I will make it happen.

Then....I opened the cupboard to get a glass for my water and realize I have ALL THESE cups with seals in them!!   I know what I'll be doing this afternoon.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Sugar Effects

We are headed into the Christmas season and all those yummy cookies and candies will be plentiful. At work, at church, at your friends house, at Christmas parties.  So before you reach for that cookie let this sink in for a minute.'s the devil!  It’s super addictive! The more you eat it the more you crave it!    I'm not just saying this, THIS WAS ME!

Here are just a few of the sugar effects:
* After ingesting any amount of sugar, your immune system is immediately compromised up to 80% for the next 4-6 hours. (Mine was basically a wreck 24/7?) 
* Sugar leads to insulin resistance which leads to diabetes
* Sugar causes inflammation in the body and also feeds cancer cells
* Sugar is one of the leading causes of obesity and inability to lose weight

Don’t you owe it to yourself to stop that vicious cycle?? I’m so grateful I took control over this almost four years ago when I made the choice to get my body more balanced.