Thursday, September 6, 2018

Self Care Bundles

Some things are great to stand alone, some things are better in bundles.  Our health is definitely better in the bundle situation.  The more ways we come at our health, the better.  It is so very important that we put our own Self care a top priority.  Without our own mental and physical health, there is no way we can sustain doing all we need to do each day in our busy lives.

As you know,  I am an avid Plexus natural supplements user and share with anyone who will listen to me.  Heck, I even share with those who don't ask!   However, as I am getting my body more healthy from the inside out, I also am working on it from the outside in.  I love to use my Young Living essential oils as well as follow along with workouts from Beach Body.

Some other bundles might be 
Plexus and Paleo
Plexus and Weight Watchers
Plexus and Keto
Plexus and Juice Plus

There is no reason at all not to bundle!  Plexus is NOT a diet. It is a wellness system, a supplementation system. It can fit in seamlessly with your caveman, crunchy, oily, point-counting lifestyle, and make it better! No matter what healthy lifestyle you have adopted, I am confident  you still need supplementation that Plexus provides

Let's take a quick quiz to find out:
1. Do you have as much energy as you would like?
2. Do you sleep as well as you would like?
3. Do you crave sweets?
4. Do you have diagnosed vitamin deficiencies?
5. Are your hair and nails healthy?
6. Do you have any "digestive" issues?
7. Do you ever feel like you are in a fog?
8. Do you have consistent physical discomfort?
9. Do you find it hard to stay focused?
10. Do you need help going 💩!?!
11. Would you like to lose weight?
12. Would you like help in  naturally reversing the signs of aging, dark spots, fine lines, dehydration?

If any of these are "yes," I challenge you to add Plexus in for two months and see what a difference it can make. You obviously care about your health, why not bundle up and give your health and even better boost?

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