Tuesday, October 31, 2017


I'll just hit snooze one more time, it's too hot, I'm too tired, I don't have equipment, I don't know what to do.....

We've all been there.  We have the best of intentions to begin being more healthy...and then we excuse ourselves right out of it.   We want to feel better.  We want to lose weight.  What we don't have is wanting it bad enough to get past the excuses.  

Many (many) years ago when I was in high school, I was a distance runner.  Back then in my little town there was no such thing as Cross Country in school.  So I ran on my own.  Five miles before school and Five miles after.  I loved to run.  About three years ago I decided I wanted to get back into running again.  I bought some running clothes, I bought some running shoes, I downloaded music onto my phone to keep me pepped up.  I just knew that putting money into this would be the motivation I needed to get running again.   I started out walking every single day, sometimes twice a day.  I worked up to adding some jogging in.  I kept at this hard for about a month and then the excuses started to happen.  One thing after the next and before I knew it, the clothes were sitting in the drawer and the expensive running shoes were in the closet.    I let myself down.

A few months ago I renewed my desire to run.  I didn't buy the running shoes yet but what I have done is start to condition myself in my Health Studio.  I'm building up my cardio, my strength and my endurance.  I have a goal of running (not walking) the 5K my little town does in July.  I will not give in to excuses, I will not let myself down.  

What is something you have given in to the excuses on that you might want to give another try? 

Monday, October 30, 2017

Two week changes

As you become more healthy you will begin to notice you are able to do a little bit more. Walk a bit further without getting tired, or a bit faster without getting winded. Incorporating stretching exercises three or more times a week will let you see more flexibility and range of motion. Better eating choices will allow you to see better bowel movement and energy. More water intake will help you with so very many things.

Simple lifestyle changes you make now will show in a couple of weeks...if you are consistent.
 These pictures were taken two weeks apart.  The only thing I was doing was daily stretching yoga. 

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Breast exam

Without exception, I have a complete physical every year. I would never dream of skipping it. My 'yearly' is what caught the pre-cancer cells, which lead to a complete hysterectomy at the age of 34, before it was full blown cancer.

Why then, do I only have my breasts checked at my yearly? Why do I not take a proactive role and self-check every month? Do I not know how much cancer cells can spread in a year? What am I thinking???

In case you find yourself in the same situation as I do, and really not sure how to do a self exam, here is an easy three step process:

1. In the shower
*With fingers flat, move hand gently over every part of each breast.
*Use right hand to examine left breast, left hand for right breast.
*Check for any lump, hard knot or thickening.

2. Before a mirror
*Inspect your breasts with arms by your sides.
*Next, raise your arms high overhead.
*Look for any changes in contour of each breast; a swelling, dimpling of skin or changes in the nipple.
*Then rest palms on hips and press down firmly to flex your chest muscles.
*Left and right breast will not exactly match--few women's breasts do.

3. Lying down
*Put pillow under right shoulder.
*With fingers flat, press gently in small circular motion; then squeeze nipple.
*Check for discharge and lumps.

If you are not currently conducting a monthly self breast exam or getting an annual physical, I urge you to! It's up to you to take a proactive roll in your own health and well being.