Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Challenging Cardio Workout

Here is a real challenge for you! I don't expect most of you will be able to do this right away, but what a goal to set for yourself.

Start at the 15 point and do all below it. Do this 3 times a week. The following week move up to the next number and do all below it 3 times a week. Continue progressing each week until you are able to start at the top and work all the way down.

Once you accomplish your goal, make sure to reward yourself!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Take The Break

I talk often about taking care of our health by eating right, exercising, water, and supplementing what our bodies are needing. This is ALL important stuff.

In addition, it is equally important to take care of our mental/emotional health. We put way too much on our plate, we take on the problems of others, stress at work, a new parent, caregiver, bread winner...all the things that need to be done.

Make some intentional time for yourself to just let all the things sit for a bit. It might be a day away. It might be a day staying in with no contact with the outside world. It might be getting up a little early to begin your day with a relaxing soak in the tub or quiet yoga. Whatever it is you can do, find a way to do it. You need to be proactive in giving yourself a break.

Take the walk, do the stretching, read the book, go for the drive, do the thing you need to do to take a break from all the other things.