Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Chronic Inflammation

Time Magazine calls inflammation the “silent killer”. Inflammation comes in 2 forms, acute (think sprained ankle) and chronic (think long term health issues).

When you start regulating blood sugar, focusing on gut health (riding toxins/replenishing good bacteria) and reducing inflammation in your body, you can restore body to a state of balance. Our body sends us signals when it’s not functioning properly, don’t brush them off. Choose prevention.

Anti-inflammatory diet, detox soaks and Plexus Slim and Ease are a great combination to combating the inflammation we are living with.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Root Cause

Allergy pills do NOT eliminate the source of your allergies.

Avoiding gluten does NOT heal your gluten intolerance.

Applying cream to eczema does NOT address why you are getting it in the first place.

Taking a sleeping pill does NOT get rid of your sleep problems.

Taking Ibuprofen for chronic pain and inflammation does NOT address why you are hurting in the first place.

Drinking caffeine does NOT fix your problem with chronic fatigue.

What DOES then?
Getting to the ROOT CAUSE. In most cases that is blood sugar imbalance, inflammation, and/or gut health! When those 3 things are on the right track, it really is amazing how good you can feel.


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Magnesium is a mineral found in many types of foods; it plays an essential role in human DNA production and repair, and in maintaining healthy bones, nerves and muscles. Though it is readily available, most Americans do not meet their need for magnesium through their diet.  Consider getting your magnesium level checked if you suffer the following 12 symptoms.

1. Low energy. "Magnesium is involved in at least 300 different chemical reactions in our body, and a lot have to do with energy production," functional medicine nutritionist Alison Boden told Reader's Digest. "A sign of low magnesium can be low energy." 

2. Twitching or cramping. Because magnesium plays an important role in muscle relaxation, insufficient intake can result in unintended muscle movement. "Without magnesium, our muscles would be in a constant state of contraction," says Ancient Minerals.

 3. Frequent headaches. Magnesium deficiency lowers serotonin levels, causes blood vessels to constrict and affects neurotransmitter function, all related to headaches -- especially migraines. MigraineAgain estimates that 50% of migraine sufferers have a magnesium deficiency.

 4. Insomnia. If you're having a hard time falling or staying asleep, it may be due to low levels of magnesium, particularly if you are experiencing a lot of stress. Stress hormones increase blood pressure and heart rate; this is partly accomplished by depleting the body of its magnesium, explains Dr. Ronald Hoffman. If there isn't enough magnesium available for the body to replenish itself, sleeping becomes a problem.

 5. Irregular heartbeat. With low magnesium levels, the heart can have trouble staying in its regular rhythm. Lab Tests Online says that doctors often prescribe magnesium supplements for patients who complain of an irregular heartbeat.

6. Increased sensitivity to noise. Not having enough magnesium curtails its role in stabilizing the nervous system, Hoffman says. This often results in hyperflexia, an enhanced startle reflex.

 7. Seizures. Seizures can result when the nervous system is severely compromised due to lack of magnesium, reports the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

 8. Low bone density. Magnesium plays a major role in bone formation, and the majority of the body's magnesium is stored in the bones. "People with higher intakes of magnesium have a higher bone mineral density," says the NIH.

 9. Constipation. Bowel movements often slow down without enough magnesium in the body.

 10. High blood pressure. Magnesium is very important in maintaining a healthy blood pressure; a deficiency can definitely cause pressure to be too high. "Eating foods high in magnesium and other minerals can help prevent high blood pressure in people with prehypertension," says WebMD.

11. Type 2 diabetes. Breaking down blood sugars is another of magnesium's jobs in the human body. "People with higher amounts of magnesium in their diets tend to have a lower risk of developing diabetes," says the NIH. Research is ongoing to determine whether magnesium therapy can be used in diabetes treatment.

 12. Depression, anxiety, confusion or personality changes. Low levels of magnesium in the brain can affect neurological functions that result in all sorts of problems. Studies have shown that some phobias -- such as agoraphobia -- have developed as a result of low magnesium levels, Dr. Hoffman says. Magnesium has long been used as an effective home remedy for these symptoms, says Psychology Today in an article titled "Magnesium and the Brain: The Original Chill Pill."

If you suspect that you may be suffering from a magnesium deficiency, it is advisable to confirm your suspicion with medical testing before taking supplements.  Once you have done this, don't spend and waste money on OTC stuff.  Plexus BioCleanse has 95% DV!

Self Care Bundles

Some things are great to stand alone, some things are better in bundles.  Our health is definitely better in the bundle situation.  The more ways we come at our health, the better.  It is so very important that we put our own Self care a top priority.  Without our own mental and physical health, there is no way we can sustain doing all we need to do each day in our busy lives.

As you know,  I am an avid Plexus natural supplements user and share with anyone who will listen to me.  Heck, I even share with those who don't ask!   However, as I am getting my body more healthy from the inside out, I also am working on it from the outside in.  I love to use my Young Living essential oils as well as follow along with workouts from Beach Body.

Some other bundles might be 
Plexus and Paleo
Plexus and Weight Watchers
Plexus and Keto
Plexus and Juice Plus

There is no reason at all not to bundle!  Plexus is NOT a diet. It is a wellness system, a supplementation system. It can fit in seamlessly with your caveman, crunchy, oily, point-counting lifestyle, and make it better! No matter what healthy lifestyle you have adopted, I am confident  you still need supplementation that Plexus provides

Let's take a quick quiz to find out:
1. Do you have as much energy as you would like?
2. Do you sleep as well as you would like?
3. Do you crave sweets?
4. Do you have diagnosed vitamin deficiencies?
5. Are your hair and nails healthy?
6. Do you have any "digestive" issues?
7. Do you ever feel like you are in a fog?
8. Do you have consistent physical discomfort?
9. Do you find it hard to stay focused?
10. Do you need help going 💩!?!
11. Would you like to lose weight?
12. Would you like help in  naturally reversing the signs of aging, dark spots, fine lines, dehydration?

If any of these are "yes," I challenge you to add Plexus in for two months and see what a difference it can make. You obviously care about your health, why not bundle up and give your health and even better boost?