Thursday, March 15, 2018

Benefits of Celery

Celery is that crunchy green stuff normally enjoyed with dips or to cool the mouth while eating hot wings.   It is not normally a go-to snack for most people....but maybe it should be.  Celery has many health benefits. 

**This vegetable is actually loaded with significant amounts of vitamins (A, B, C, K), calcium, magnesium, and potassium. But if celery were to have an elevator pitch, the hook would be its phytonutrients. These chemicals are used by plants to keep insects and damaging sun rays away, but the effects on humans are far more impressive.

Phytonutrients have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits, they can enhance the immune system and intracellular communication, and they can repair DNA damage that results from toxins. According to the US Department of Agriculture, consuming phytonutrients on a regular basis has had measurable results as an effective strategy in combating cancer and heart disease.

Celery is low in calories (one stack is only 10-15 calories) and its fiber content of 1.6 grams per cup can put a stop to unhealthy cravings.  

If you’re at risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer, adding celery to your diet can help you prevent chronic inflammation (which is a condition that’s closely related to those diseases).

A study by the University of Chicago found that a chemical found in celery called phthalide reduced cholesterol levels by 7 percent and blood pressure by 18 percent.

People who suffer from stomach problems and constipation know the importance of including fiber in their diet. Celery’s fiber content can help keep your bowel movements healthy, among other things.

Vitamin A, one of the main vitamins found in celery, is known as a vitamin capable of protecting the cornea. This vitamin is also effective in treating dry eyes.

The magnesium in celery is known to have a relaxing effect in the nervous system. In fact, Hippocrates, the father of medicine, once wrote that celery should be used to calm the nerves and for falling asleep. It’s also been historically used to treat disorders related to the nervous system.

  Because of its low acidity, celery can help you stabilize the PH levels in your body and stop acidic buildup. 

**Based on article in      

Now that you know there is so much goodness to this simple green veggie, why not keep some cut up in the fridge and ready to grab as a go-to snack?  What have you got to lose?

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Water intake

Who's drinking their recommended water intake?! Half your body weight in ounces (up to 100 ounces) is what is suggested every single day to rid your body of fat and toxins!

Did you know? ... Glucose cannot leave the body without a water molecule attached via urination. Thirst is your body's cue for help in removing excess glucose. Drinking water and going to the bathroom are PLAN A to get glucose out of your system.

Plan B? Fat storage. Yep.

So basically, if you don't want to be inconvenienced by frequent bathroom visits you are choosing fat storage.

Drink your water!!!

Also water intake is imperative when you are taking detoxing supplements such as Plexus!
It’s how the toxins leave your body.

If you struggle to get water in. Adding fruit or veggies to it helps so much.  Keep a jug of water in the fridge so it is nice and cold.  Get a new favorite water bottle.  Use a straw.  

Always having some in front of you is key.