Monday, January 1, 2018

How to stick to New Years resolutions

This is the year that you’re going to stick to New Years resolutions, right? Whether you normally last two weeks or two months, on average only 8% of people stick to their New Years resolutions. If you want to be part of the sliver of people that keep their resolutions, you need more than just willpower – you need a strategy!

5 Ways to Stick to Your New Years Resolutions

  1. Put it on paper. Writing down your goals makes them harder to break. Don’t just think of a goal – write it down!  Set both short term and long terms goals and give them a date.  Don't leave them open ended.  When you achieve even the smallest of goals, make sure to celebrate! 
  2.  Create daily reminders. Post your goals where you can see them every day. Put a sticky note on the bathroom mirror, the fridge, by the front door – or in multiple areas!
  3. Schedule periodic reminders. Put reminders in your phone, on your calendar or schedule encouraging emails to send to yourself automatically at points throughout the year to motivate you.
  4. Get a buddy. Share you resolutions with your friends, family or even your entire social media following. This will help keep you accountable and you’ll likely get additional support from others.
  5. Pencil in some “Me Time.” Take time to do things that you enjoy like getting a massage, catching up with an old friend over coffee, or a date-night with your partner. This will help keep you balanced and less stressed.
Here’s to another year of healthy resolutions! Following these 5 suggestions will make your New Years resolutions more successful than years past. Now, get to it!

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