Thursday, May 10, 2018

Plexus Cheat Sheet

Here is a little cheat sheet for secret Plexus stalkers

Better Sleep: Slim - add MegaX & ProBio5 for amazing changes in your sleep issues

Cholesterol, blood pressure, lipids: Slim, MegaX

Energy: Slim - add Edge for a game changer

Mental clarity: ProBio5, MegaX, Edge, VitalBiome

Skin Issues: ProBio5 & Body Cream

Weight loss: Slim, ProBio5, BioCleanse (TriPlex) - Optional...add Block, Accelerator or Boost, P96 
Protein shakes

Discomfort, sore muscles, and swollen/achy joints: Ease and/or Nerve capsules & Ease cream

Nerve issues: Plexus Nerve

Sugar cravings: ProBio5 & Slim

Tummy issues, Digestive issues: BioCleanse and Pro Bio5

Stress: ProBio5, Slim, & Vitalbiome

Mood: VitalBiome, Slim & Accelerator

Better hair & nails: XFactor & MegaX

Reduced absorption of sugars/starch: Block

Glucose stabilization: Slim & Block

Hormones: Slim & ProBio5

Skin care: Joyome

*These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Probio5 and VitalBiome



VITALBIOME and PROBIO5 truly work great as a duo!

A whopping 80% of your immune system and about 95% of your body’s serotonin (mood elevating hormone) are in your gut.
The GUT is absolutely one of the most important things we need to take care of. Consuming fermented foods and a diet rich in veggies, healthy fats, and lean proteins are critical to supporting your gut health. However, for many of us, eating such a perfect diet all the time just isn’t that easy, and oftentimes it isn’t enough.

PROBIO5 and VITALBIOME serve 2 different purposes. While Probio5 weeds out the bad organisms from your gut garden, VitalBiome serves as the healthy "seed" you need to plant in your gut. VitalBiome contains 7 clinically-proven strains of probiotics and a beneficial yeast (S. Boulardi) in clinically proven amounts to help improve:

feelings of stress, anxiety, and other mood issues
digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas, acid reflux, and so many other digestive disorders
Decreases inflammation in the gut
Both are essential to an ideal, balanced gut ecosystem, but VitalBiome is especially helpful to add to Probio5 if you struggle with one of the above things.