Monday, April 30, 2018

Corrosive Coca-Cola

Facts about Coca Cola…(not for the faint of heart)

Coke is a powerful cleanser:

It can dissolve a T-bone steak in two days.

Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and let sit for one hour, then flush clean.

Pour a can of Coca-Cola over battery terminals to bubble away the corrosion.

Soak a rag in Coca-Cola and then place over rusted bolt for several minutes in order to loosen.

The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. It will dissolve a nail in about four days. Phosphoric acid leaches calcium from bones and is a major contributor to the rising increase of osteoporosis.

Commercial trucks delivering the Coca-Cola syrup (concentrate) must identify their shipment as Hazardous Material because it is a highly corrosive material.

Apparently, the distributors of Coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years!

Now the question is, why would you do that to your body?

Thursday, April 26, 2018


Inflammation...a nasty little thing that causes poop issues, joint issues and difficulty losing weight. There are several things you can do to help fight the inflammation, I am going to hit on three of them here.

WATER: Drink 1/2 your weight in ounces every single day. EVERY single day. You can add a bit of lemon juice to it first thing in the morning to help cleanse the liver. Also, if you don't drink enough water, you body will go into dehydration mode and hold on to any liquid it gets. This causes inflammation in the form of water weight. While in dehydration mode, your body will also pull fluid from wherever it can get it. This includes your joints. You know those squishy pads between your bones that keep things cushioned? Those things (in simple terms) start to dry up and this causes even more join pain. 

FOOD: Many things we ingest on a daily basis contribute to inflammation. One of the biggest culprits is sugar.
*Sugar can be found in baked goods, candy, energy bars, soda, and lots of well known sugar foods. But then there are the not so well know such as refined carbs, peanut butter, fruit juice, sweetened yogurt and condiments.
*Vegetable oil: Mayonnaise, salad dressings, barbecue sauce, crackers, bread, potato chips.
*Fried foods: french fries, fried chicken, fish sticks, chicken tenders, onion rings.
*Refined flour: Pizza, white bread, crackers, pasta, pretzels, flour tortillas, breakfast cereals, bagels.
*Dairy: Milk, soft cheeses, yogurt, butter.
*Artificial sweetener: No-sugar-added products, no-calorie “Diet” soft drinks.
*Artificial additives: Breakfast cereals, processed foods containing fruit, candy, ice cream.
*Saturated fat: Burgers, pizza, candy, chips.
*Processed meat: Bacon, hot dogs, bologna, sausage, jerky.
*Trans-fat foods: Margarine/shortening; baked goods like doughnuts, cookies, and muffins; non-dairy coffee creamers; frozen pizza; frosting.
*Fast food: You know what I'm talking about, I don't need to type it out.

EASE: Are you familiar with turmeric? This powerful spice is in Plexus Ease and is packed with anti-inflammatories and antioxidants. Turmeric has been proven to fight off destructive free radicals, rejuvenate cells, cleanse the liver, protect the heart , boost moods and supports healthy brain functioning. BUT normally, turmeric taken in pill form is ineffective because you need FAT with it. Our Ease has a superior one in the form of the Green Lipped Mussel, an Omega3 fatty acid, which is up to 100 times more effective in reducing inflammation than a regular Omega 3 supplement! Plexus Ease also contains serrapeptase & Green Lipped Mussel! Google those ingredients, you’ll be impressed!
**Do not take with a shellfish allergy**

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Sleep Deprivation and your gut

Remember the last time you got a really good nights sleep? 
Remember how incredible it felt to wake up well rested before the alarm even went off?

Most of you are going to answer 'no' to both of those questions.  Most of you don't know the enjoyment of a well rested body, but you know all to well what it feels like to not get enough sleep. 

Not meaning to add insult to injury, but those who are sleep deprived, on average, eat 400 more calories than those who are rested.  Sleep deprivation impacts hunger and fullness hormones.

*Ghrelin tells your brain it's time to eat.
*Leptin cues the brain to put the fork down

With insufficient sleep your ghrelin goes up and your leptin goes down.  This leads to risk of obesity and Type 2 diabetes. 

Sleep deprivation can be linked back to the whole gut-brain connection.  The gut-brain axis (GBA) refers to a two-way communication stream between the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the enteric nervous system (the 500 million neurons embedded in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract).

Stress and anxiety — both elements of mood disruption — can seriously impact our sleep. In our modern world of constant stimulation, fast food, and the various stressors unique to each individual, it’s important that we understand the role the gut plays on our ability to cope with stress,  which can have a major impact on our ability to sleep. Taking care of our physical and emotional stressors by cleaning up our gut health could be a major win for our quality of sleep.

 Enter Plexus Probio5 and Bio Cleanse.  You can read all about their goodness here

 Getting your gut healthy allows the gut and brain to connect so much better.  This better connection helps you to sleep better.  Better sleep means a more well rested, happier you.  

You can also help your sleep by eating....or avoiding...certain foods in the evening.

Good food:

Bad food:
high protein

To help your mornings be a little more cheerful:
* Eat a low carb/high  protein breakfast
* Bring in natural light
* Exercise or meditate
* Drink a full 8 oz. glass of water

BioCleanse and Probio5 for a sexy gut

I want to share with you what your gut looks like. Sexy, isn't it. We want a Normal gut lining, but honestly, most people are inflamed. As if having an ugly gut lining isn't bad enough, there is also the whole leaky gut thing going on, letting food particles, bacteria and other nasty stuff lose in your body. Yep, that is not a good thing. It's there, the ugly lining has happened, now what? Now you talk to me about getting that thing sexy again. Serious, don't walk around with an ugly gut lining, just don't do it.

These are the EXACT plant bases supplements needed to begin getting your gut sexy. Why these and not store bought? Read your labels and compare. Seriously, there is no comparison. With their use, my digestion, after 30 years of pain and stopping me from doing things I wanted to do, completely changed!

🍃Biocleanse is a magnesium supplement. This nutrient is very important for our body. It is involved with over 300 functions in the body! One extremely important is energy production. It’s also tied to cardiovascular issues when someone struggles with deficiency. Biocleanse is designed to be a gentle daily cleanse. We need to always be working on maintaining our gut health and a gentle daily Biocleanse routine will help.
Another important benefit of Biocleanse is a stronger immune system. Thank you bioflavaboids.

Now let’s learn more about Probio5...
🍃it’s so much more than a probiotic. It has digestive enzymes! These enzymes are essential for healthy digestion and overall health.
Did you know that digestive enzymes are not found in processed foods; only in fresh foods like fruits and veggies!
After reading about these enzymes you’ll see why Probio5 is such an important supplement for everyone!

🍃Chitosanase is an enzyme with systematic name chitosan N-acetylglucosaminohydrolase. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction Endohydrolysis of beta-(1->4)-linkages between D-glucosamine residues in a partly acetylated chitosan. A whole spectrum of chitosanases are known. This is one of the extremely important digestive enzymes that helps to rebalance the gut.
These hydrolytic enzymes break down glycosidic bonds in chitin.

🍃Another important enzyme is protease. This proteolytic enzyme, peptidase or proteinase is a type of enzyme that functions mainly to help us digest different kinds of proteins. They break down the bonds by a process known as hydrolysis and convert proteins into smaller chains called peptides or even smaller units called amino acids.

🍃Peptizyme-SP®(serrapeptase) is a powerful systemic enzyme that supports the body’s response to inflammation and the respiratory and sinus systems. This unique activity of Peptizyme SP’s enteric-coated serrapeptase supports normal fibrin metabolism, blood viscosity and blood flow. Serrapeptase supports healthy inflammatory response by reducing metabolic inflammation, usually an asymptomatic inflammatory process in response to stress, improper nutrition and other environmental issues. In addition, there is evidence of inhibition of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation that has been linked to cardiovascular health.

Probio5 has an antioxidant blend that helps strength the immune system with Vitamin C, B and grape seed extract.
There is no other probiotic out there that includes 5 strains of probiotics that are very important for gut health, supports the immune system with the antioxidant blend and helps digestion and breaking down “bad” organisms with the digestive enzyme blend!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Are you getting enough magnesium?

The answer to less disease in the world isn't more medications. The answer is having a body that's equipped and ready to ward off disease. Health begins at the cellular level. We have to flood our tissues with adequate amounts of oxygen and create an alkaline environment in the bowel while getting toxins moved outta there! Those disease causing cells that can't survive in a well-oxygenated & alkaline body won't wanna stick around, and that means fewer toxins having a party in your body.

If you don't yet know the importance of adequate daily amounts of magnesium, please do yourself a favor and read up on it! If your body is deficient in magnesium, there are over 350 biochemical reactions that either will not occur at all or will occur very inefficiently.

What causes magnesium deficiency?
mental stress
physical stress
high sodium diet
cola type sodas
high perspiration
medical drugs of all types
low thyroid
chronic pain
a high carbohydrate diet and
a high calcium diet

A slight deficiency and you will notice slight depression and lack of well being. The body is saying, “Help, I’m in trouble.” You start getting headaches, pain in the lower back and stiff tight muscles, particularly in the back.

If you are ignoring these messages, you have not learned to read and decipher them. You'll end up seeking professional advice and…well, you know what they advise. MEDICATIONS, which only serve to exasperate the issues.

Plexus BioCleanse is a great source of oxygenated magnesium.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Hemp Seeds and Chia Seeds

Chia and hemp are both packed with healthy vitamins, minerals and fiber. 

Chia Seeds
A one-ounce (two tablespoon) serving of chia seeds contains four grams of protein and 11 grams of dietary fiber. That’s over 40 percent of your daily fiber needs, and those two tablespoons only add 137 calories to your day.  Like most seeds, chia seeds are high in fat, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Healthy fats, like those found in seeds, nuts and avocado, are essential for health.  It’s just a matter of moderation.

Chia seeds are also a good source of calcium and phosphorus, with 18 percent of your daily calcium needs and 27 percent of your daily phosphorous in a serving. Phosphorous  works with calcium to build healthy, strong bones an teeth, so chia seeds are a great food to eat for dental and bone health.
 They’re also a very good source of manganese, an antioxidant that supports healthy metabolism, bone health and wound healing. A serving of chia provides 30 percent of your daily manganese. This is important to note, because it is possible to get too much manganese. If you’re taking a manganese supplement, chia seeds may not be the best dietary choice for you.

Hemp Seeds
Two tablespoons of hemp seeds provide 10 grams of protein and four percent of your daily fiber needs. Like chia seeds, hemp seeds are high in fat (13 grams per serving).
Hemp does not provide any calcium, but unlike chia, it is rich in iron. One serving delivers 15 percent of your daily iron requirement. It also gives you 45 percent of your daily magnesium, another mineral essential to bone health. That means that both chia and hemp seeds help support healthy bones in different ways.

Hemp seeds contain three times as much zinc as chia seeds. In that one-ounce serving, hemp seeds give you 21 percent of your zinc requirements for the day. Zinc is an important mineral, but it is also possible to take too much zinc. If you’re taking zinc supplements, including many over-the-counter immune support supplements, make sure you’re not overdoing it in the zinc department.

I use both of these seeds almost daily.  Oatmeal, smoothie, salad...etc.  As with almost everything, moderation is key.  


Nutritional information resource: SELFNutritionData.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Candida Yeast Symptoms

Here are some tips on how to recognize a yeast infection:

Symptoms can be particularly worse in damp, or moldy places or weather that is damp, humid or rainy.

Candida sufferers may appear anti-social or develop “people or relationship allergies”; some may have fewer friends than a healthier person would have as they become increasingly reactive to foods and their environment over time.

May appear anxious and talkative. Some, especially when chronic, are not the easiest of people to get along with.

Commonly have have fever, sinus and asthma.  Anyone who has been using an oral (inhaled) steroid should be considered as having a yeast infection.

May be an extremist perfectionist or addictive in their behavioral, dietary and lifestyle patterns.

Some candida patients only eat at home, or eat out rarely. Chronic candida sufferers have problems eating out and react to foods, preferring to stay at home and eat in.

May feel lousy all over; their quality of life can be poor, even after many different types of treatment.

The cause can’t be established – both by the conventional doctor and by the natural medicine professional, especially if there are digestive problems.

May be taking multiple skin and digestive drugs at the same time.

May  be taking Diazepam, Prozac, Zanax or another drug to treat depression or anxiety. Because the doctor couldn’t find any cause and felt the problem was in the patient’s head rather than in their digestive system. 

Have had a history of multiple rounds of antibiotics. Suspect any antibiotic prescribed patient to have candida, many typically have and especially after they have been treated multiple times. In most all cases, these patients are completely overlooked and develop candida as a consequence. Some sensitive patients have never been well since taking only round of an antibiotic, even if it was prescribed twenty years ago.

Suspect candida in any person who was treated years ago for acne after 6 – 12 months on an antibiotic.

Typically allergic to some of the most common foods such as dairy products (milk in particular), bananas, eggs, breads/gluten, peanuts, oranges, corn, and pineapple.

Candida patients can be the ones who especially buy those “hypo-allergenic’ cleaning aids because they react to all conventional cleaning products. They may also buy special cosmetics or make-up because they have found that their skin reacts to just about everything.

Often intolerant to perfumes, odors, fumes, fabric shop odors, cut grass, cats, dogs or other animals, tobacco smoke, chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, fly sprays, smog, molds, dust mites, dust, pollen, and potentially any other airborne substances.

Feel unreal or spaced out for absolutely no know medical or psychiatric reason.

Candida cases are those GI or digestive system cases that just can’t seem to get right, in spite of everything tried.  Tried the FODMAP diet, paleo diet, Blood-Type diet, Atkins diet, Keto diet, South Beach diet, GAPS diet, or any one of fifty different kinds of diets.   Within weeks things started to go downhill again. Suspect this person to have a chronic candida yeast infection, dysbiosis, parasites, etc.

May have several different products to solve digestive problems, this could range from just a pro-biotic and a few parasite, liver or stomach products right up to three dozen or more products targeted at many different symptoms they will have be experiencing over the months or years.

Have gone through stages of feeling reasonably fine, thinking  their health is finally turning the corner, only to discover that within days or weeks they begin to feel terrible all over again. Suspect candida if there are constant relapses.

Strong carbohydrate craving, or even a “subconscious preference” for a food like chocolate, biscuits, sweets/candy, ice cream, pastry or cakes, etc. Suspect candida.

Strong sugar cravings, especially after the evening meal. This can be a real red flag for you, and in some cases can point you straight towards the cause – a yeast infection.

Received chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy for cancer many years ago and has never been well since.

A woman who has a long history of taking the birth control pill or has had multiple pregnancies.

A person with a long history of taking a steroid medication like cortisone, prednisone, hydrocortisone or other anti-inflammatory or immune-suppressive steroidal treatments.

A female patient who is frequently troubled by abdominal pain (undiagnosable), vaginal infections, premenstrual tension, menstrual irregularities, menstrual pains, pain or discomfort during sex, a loss of interest in sex.

A male patient who is troubled with jock itch, prostatitis or impotence.

Persistently troubled by athlete’s foot or a fungal infection of the toenails (thickening, discoloration or splitting).

Heartburn, arthritis, hemorrhoids bronchitis, asthmatic, sinus, ear/nose or throat.

Do not be fooled, all probiotics are NOT created equally!  Stay tuned for a blog post coming soon about this very topic.

Poop Facts

Here are some fun poop facts for you

Did you know that 80% of Americans struggle with constipation at some point?

The average American only has between 2-4 bowel movements per WEEK and is 70,000 bowel movements short in their lifetime.

America now has the highest rate of bowel disease in the World

Did you know you that you should go after every meal or AT LEAST once a day! How many of you can say you do that?

Did you know that one of the reasons weight loss/diets fail is because toxins remain in the body?
 Your body tries to protect itself because of all the toxins in your body and won't let go of any fat.

Did you know that 75% of your poop is water? DRINK YOUR WATER PEOPLE! The remaining 25%...1/3 is from fibers our body find indigestible. 1/3 is composed of dead bacteria. 1/3 is a mixture of fats, inorganic salts, mucus, dead cells, and live bacteria.

Just ONE cubic inch of USDA Grade-A beef contains over 1000 parasites. These parasites typically don't harm you if you are having 2-3 bowel movements every day, but if you're not, their larvae can hatch, latch on to your intestinal walls and live inside you, wreaking havoc on your digestive system. Uh- Gross!

Up to 80% of your immune function stems from gut health. EIGHTY PERCENT. Hippocrates said
"All disease begins in the gut." If it starts there, it could END there.

The longest poop record was 26 feet 

The average person spends 10 months of their life on the toilet

If you are not eliminating 2-3 times every single day, I have a possible solution for you that comes with a 60-day money back guarantee, no matter how you buy. Private message me, text me, email get the idea.

What goes in MUST come out!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Don't go cheap with your health

I am all about finding ways to save money on products I purchase. I love Aldi, WalMart, Dollar General and thrift stores. However, not when it comes to my health. I only have one body and it is something I no longer scrimp on. I have decided to make ME a priority and invest in myself.
It is also so very important not to get sucked into thinking a product is healthy just because it uses the eye catching right words. Remember....Peeps are gluten free

Fit and Active
6g fat
24g carbs
19g sugar
10g protein

1g fat
4g carbs
0g sugar
15g protein

Take the time to look at labels and ingredients. If sugar is in the first few ingredients, put that package right back on the shelf.
Are you ready to begin the discussion about prioritizing you? Let's talk.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Not Why, but How to make it happen

You've made the decision to get more healthy, you know WHY you want to do it, you are motivated and ready to begin.  But....HOW do you go about this?  This can be a bit tricky, even just trying to figure out where to start. The beginning can be a bit overwhelming.  You are ready, willing and able to reach your just don't know how to get there.

* First step is to DEFINE your goal.  Make it specific.  Not just lose weight by my wedding, class reunion, summer....etc.  How much weight/inches do you want to lose?  Not just to eat better, but how do you want to be eating?  Not just exercising, how often, what type?

* Second stop is to lay out a plan to get there.  Make a map to get you from where you are to where you want to be.  Know up front that you WILL make wrong turns on this journey.  It is going to happen.  This is why your map is so important, it will help you become aware of your wrong turns and get you back on your journey.

 If you don't have a plan and aren't tracking small changes, you may not see the progress you are actually making! You may also have no idea that something IS or IS NOT working!

Your HOW needs to be a plan. And that plan may change but you NEED something to get you started with clear direction.

You can search Google for ideas and make your plan.  You can hire a professional to help make your plan.  The point is to make a plan for your goal and work that plan!