Monday, April 2, 2018

Not Why, but How to make it happen

You've made the decision to get more healthy, you know WHY you want to do it, you are motivated and ready to begin.  But....HOW do you go about this?  This can be a bit tricky, even just trying to figure out where to start. The beginning can be a bit overwhelming.  You are ready, willing and able to reach your just don't know how to get there.

* First step is to DEFINE your goal.  Make it specific.  Not just lose weight by my wedding, class reunion, summer....etc.  How much weight/inches do you want to lose?  Not just to eat better, but how do you want to be eating?  Not just exercising, how often, what type?

* Second stop is to lay out a plan to get there.  Make a map to get you from where you are to where you want to be.  Know up front that you WILL make wrong turns on this journey.  It is going to happen.  This is why your map is so important, it will help you become aware of your wrong turns and get you back on your journey.

 If you don't have a plan and aren't tracking small changes, you may not see the progress you are actually making! You may also have no idea that something IS or IS NOT working!

Your HOW needs to be a plan. And that plan may change but you NEED something to get you started with clear direction.

You can search Google for ideas and make your plan.  You can hire a professional to help make your plan.  The point is to make a plan for your goal and work that plan!

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