Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Are you getting enough magnesium?

The answer to less disease in the world isn't more medications. The answer is having a body that's equipped and ready to ward off disease. Health begins at the cellular level. We have to flood our tissues with adequate amounts of oxygen and create an alkaline environment in the bowel while getting toxins moved outta there! Those disease causing cells that can't survive in a well-oxygenated & alkaline body won't wanna stick around, and that means fewer toxins having a party in your body.

If you don't yet know the importance of adequate daily amounts of magnesium, please do yourself a favor and read up on it! If your body is deficient in magnesium, there are over 350 biochemical reactions that either will not occur at all or will occur very inefficiently.

What causes magnesium deficiency?
mental stress
physical stress
high sodium diet
cola type sodas
high perspiration
medical drugs of all types
low thyroid
chronic pain
a high carbohydrate diet and
a high calcium diet

A slight deficiency and you will notice slight depression and lack of well being. The body is saying, “Help, I’m in trouble.” You start getting headaches, pain in the lower back and stiff tight muscles, particularly in the back.

If you are ignoring these messages, you have not learned to read and decipher them. You'll end up seeking professional advice and…well, you know what they advise. MEDICATIONS, which only serve to exasperate the issues.

Plexus BioCleanse is a great source of oxygenated magnesium.

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