Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Candida Yeast Symptoms

Here are some tips on how to recognize a yeast infection:

Symptoms can be particularly worse in damp, or moldy places or weather that is damp, humid or rainy.

Candida sufferers may appear anti-social or develop “people or relationship allergies”; some may have fewer friends than a healthier person would have as they become increasingly reactive to foods and their environment over time.

May appear anxious and talkative. Some, especially when chronic, are not the easiest of people to get along with.

Commonly have have fever, sinus and asthma.  Anyone who has been using an oral (inhaled) steroid should be considered as having a yeast infection.

May be an extremist perfectionist or addictive in their behavioral, dietary and lifestyle patterns.

Some candida patients only eat at home, or eat out rarely. Chronic candida sufferers have problems eating out and react to foods, preferring to stay at home and eat in.

May feel lousy all over; their quality of life can be poor, even after many different types of treatment.

The cause can’t be established – both by the conventional doctor and by the natural medicine professional, especially if there are digestive problems.

May be taking multiple skin and digestive drugs at the same time.

May  be taking Diazepam, Prozac, Zanax or another drug to treat depression or anxiety. Because the doctor couldn’t find any cause and felt the problem was in the patient’s head rather than in their digestive system. 

Have had a history of multiple rounds of antibiotics. Suspect any antibiotic prescribed patient to have candida, many typically have and especially after they have been treated multiple times. In most all cases, these patients are completely overlooked and develop candida as a consequence. Some sensitive patients have never been well since taking only round of an antibiotic, even if it was prescribed twenty years ago.

Suspect candida in any person who was treated years ago for acne after 6 – 12 months on an antibiotic.

Typically allergic to some of the most common foods such as dairy products (milk in particular), bananas, eggs, breads/gluten, peanuts, oranges, corn, and pineapple.

Candida patients can be the ones who especially buy those “hypo-allergenic’ cleaning aids because they react to all conventional cleaning products. They may also buy special cosmetics or make-up because they have found that their skin reacts to just about everything.

Often intolerant to perfumes, odors, fumes, fabric shop odors, cut grass, cats, dogs or other animals, tobacco smoke, chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, fly sprays, smog, molds, dust mites, dust, pollen, and potentially any other airborne substances.

Feel unreal or spaced out for absolutely no know medical or psychiatric reason.

Candida cases are those GI or digestive system cases that just can’t seem to get right, in spite of everything tried.  Tried the FODMAP diet, paleo diet, Blood-Type diet, Atkins diet, Keto diet, South Beach diet, GAPS diet, or any one of fifty different kinds of diets.   Within weeks things started to go downhill again. Suspect this person to have a chronic candida yeast infection, dysbiosis, parasites, etc.

May have several different products to solve digestive problems, this could range from just a pro-biotic and a few parasite, liver or stomach products right up to three dozen or more products targeted at many different symptoms they will have be experiencing over the months or years.

Have gone through stages of feeling reasonably fine, thinking  their health is finally turning the corner, only to discover that within days or weeks they begin to feel terrible all over again. Suspect candida if there are constant relapses.

Strong carbohydrate craving, or even a “subconscious preference” for a food like chocolate, biscuits, sweets/candy, ice cream, pastry or cakes, etc. Suspect candida.

Strong sugar cravings, especially after the evening meal. This can be a real red flag for you, and in some cases can point you straight towards the cause – a yeast infection.

Received chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy for cancer many years ago and has never been well since.

A woman who has a long history of taking the birth control pill or has had multiple pregnancies.

A person with a long history of taking a steroid medication like cortisone, prednisone, hydrocortisone or other anti-inflammatory or immune-suppressive steroidal treatments.

A female patient who is frequently troubled by abdominal pain (undiagnosable), vaginal infections, premenstrual tension, menstrual irregularities, menstrual pains, pain or discomfort during sex, a loss of interest in sex.

A male patient who is troubled with jock itch, prostatitis or impotence.

Persistently troubled by athlete’s foot or a fungal infection of the toenails (thickening, discoloration or splitting).

Heartburn, arthritis, hemorrhoids bronchitis, asthmatic, sinus, ear/nose or throat.

Do not be fooled, all probiotics are NOT created equally!  Stay tuned for a blog post coming soon about this very topic.

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